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Outreach Ministry

Outreach is vital in the family of God and the life of the believer.


The purpose of the Church is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to join with others who are “called out” in both the local and global realm to accomplish God’s purposes on the earth. While it is common today to define the success of the ministry of the people of God in terms of the number of those who are attending the church, the actual success of the ministry of those “called out” is best defined by whether they are actually “going” out (Matthew 28:16-20).


Followers of Christ are uniquely gifted to minister in their circle of influence, putting hands and feet to the ministry of Jesus today. God’s workmanship becomes evident in the lives of Christians as they step out of their comfort zone and begin to function as the minister that God created them to be. The unique gifts, passions and abilities which are deposited in each believer are given to build up the church and encourage others.


There is one Great Commission.


We are not to be torn between casting our support behind mission among a reached people and missions to the unreached. Jesus’s mission is one seamless garment that covers every nook and cranny of our city and every people group on the planet. Jesus calls his church to mission at home and mission abroad. Local missions and global missions done simultaneously with equal emphasis and zeal. It truly is Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth!




Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
1401 East Sixth Avenue
Pine Bluff, AR 71601


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