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As a global community of believers, our mission is...


to be constant displays of the love of Christ so those we come in contact with FEEL THE LOVE of Christ, compelling them to come closer and SEE THE LOVE that we have in our lives, and ultimately people become compelled to BE THE LOVE to others.


Worship is something we can do individually, but God places special importance on believers worshiping together.


Sunday mornings provide a time to come together to celebrate everything that is happening in our church. We take the time to get to know each other, break bread together (communion), worship together, as well as spend time praying for each other. Ultimately, we live life together.


You will find that SAMBC is a place where you are welcomed the minute you enter into our parking lot by people who genuinely love Jesus, and want to show His amazing love to others. You can come in, grab a cup of coffee, find a seat, and enjoy a time of reflecting on the greatness of God as well as His amazing love.


Statement of Beliefs


As a church affiliated with the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc, we adhere to a statement of generally held convictions called The Baptist Faith and Message. 


That statement is available here.




Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
1401 East Sixth Avenue
Pine Bluff, AR 71601


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