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About us

Sixth Avenue was organized over in 2006 for the purpose of bringing glory to Jesus Christ, God's Son. Though our ministry has grown and changed over the years, our Master and our mission have remained the same. Having been founded in the midst of the twentieth century, Community Baptist faces the challenges of a new millennium. What a blessing to know that Jesus Christ and the Word of God are the same yesterday, today and forever!


Service Times


  • Adult  and Youth Sunday School: 10:00am

  • Sunday Morning Worship Service: 11:00am

  • Word on Wednesday: 6:00pm




We are  located on the East side of town.

1401 East 6Th 

Pine Bluff AR 71601    Map


Sixth Avenue  was organized in 2006 for the purpose of bringing glory to Jesus Christ, God's Son. Though our ministry has grown and changed over the years, our Savior and our mission have remained the same.  We are striving to fulfill the call of God for the church!  Therefore we strive to:


Fulfill the  Purpose of the Church

We must begin with a right focus of the church. The scriptures give us at least three clear purposes for the New Testament body of Christ. Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church and we are striving to follow his leading in the purposes of the church. (Matthew 16:18)


1. To worship our God!

What is worship? Worship is reverence, extreme devotion, intense love, or admiration for God; as defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary. Glorifying God was the constant goal of Jesus while he ministered on this earth; and therefore glorifying God must be the goal of the body of Christ. The apostle Paul was concerned that in everything he did, he would be pleasing to Christ. His greatest desire in his life or in his death was that Jesus Christ and His name would be exalted and lifted up. (2 Corinthians 5:9Philippians 1:20) Therefore, the church must be concerned about praising, exalting, pleasing, and glorifying Jesus Christ in all that we do. (Romans 16:27Ephesians 3:21)

The ultimate goal of the church must be the worship of God. The ultimate goal of every man, according to Christ, is to love God with all his heart, mind, and soul; thus it must be the ultimate goal of the church. (Matthew 22:36-38) According to the apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:4-6, the ultimate goal of the church is to worship the one who called us. Christ has called us out as worshipers and we are striving to exalt him in every area of our ministry!


2. To Declare Christ to our Community and the World

Another passion of our ministry is to reach our to our community with the good news that Jesus came to rescue men from sin. The ultimate goal of declaring the message of Jesus and the saving work that is available in him is to produce disciples. Christ told his disciples to go and teach all nations, and He also told them to teach these converts how to obey all of Christ’s commands. (Matthew 28:19-20) The goal of evangelism is making disciples of Christ. Therefore, evangelization does not end when a person prays a prayer. OUr passion is to focus on disciple making not just decisions.


3. To Serve one another 

A church is the body of Christ and must be working to edify one another through serving. The church must strive to edify every member of the body. This working begins with the ministry of the word for the equipping of the believers to do the work that God has called His body (assembly) to do. Thus, the gifts of God given to different members of the body working together help the body to function as God desires for it to function. The goal ffor every individual member is to use their gifts in the body for the building up of the saints to do the work of the ministry.


Ultimately, the goal of the church is the glory of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Romans 16:27 states it plainly: To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen. God must receive the glory in the church! Paul in Ephesians 3:21 restates this goal when he says: Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. All of the following: worshiping, declaring, and serving bring glory to God; and therefore, the church must be actively involved in all of these areas. This will bring glory to our great God, who is worthy to be glorified.


Thank you for taking a look at Community. Please contact us for any questions that you may have or if we can serve you in any way. We want to extend a warm invitation for you to join us..




Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
1401 East Sixth Avenue
Pine Bluff, AR 71601


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